Welcome Salon On The Square to The Chedington Court Estate

Salon on The Square becomes part of the Chedington Estate

The lifestyle-based businesses within The Chedington Court Estate have been gradually accumulating over the locality surrounding Chedington in West Dorset. We are very pleased to be able to announce that the latest addition is Salon On The Square. Based in Beaminster, the nearest town to Chedington, the salon will have friendly neighbours in Chedington Weddings, Chedington Equestrian, Superior Motorcycle Experiences … Read More

Chedington to sponsor young British equestrian talent Bubby Upton

Bubby Upton joins Chedington

Dr Geoffrey Guy and his wife Kate have always had a keen interest in backing emerging British sporting talent and have done so for shooters and fencers via their charitable foundation The Guy Foundation in the past.  However, at the recent Chedington Bicton 4* equestrian event in June 2021, Dr Guy met the winner of the under 25 class: Bubby … Read More

Bicton Arena International Horse Trials

Bicton Trials 2021

Earlier this year, during a very warm weekend in mid-June, Chedington supported the CCI4* Bicton Arena International Horse Trials as title sponsor. During that event itself, as Dr Guy sat in the sunshine and enjoyed the event, he decided we ought to try and do it again for a CCI5*. Everyone was very impressed with the quality of the 4* … Read More

Meet our full-time Shepherd Marcus

Shepherd Marcus with one of the rams

With hundreds of sheep now on the estate, we are so happy to have our full time Shepherd Marcus on-board. We chat to him to find out a little more about what life as a shepherd looks like: How did you get into this career? I have always enjoyed working outside and with animals, starting out as a gamekeeper on … Read More

Success for Spirit Motorcycles

Spirit Motorcycles rider on the track

A new season has kicked off for British GP2 racing. Chedington, Superior Motorcycle Experiences and Moto Corsa Motorcycles are all proud to sponsor and support the Spirit Motorcycles Racing team. This last week has seen the team get off to a really strong start at Oulton Park. On the opening day, racers Mason Law and Jamie Perrin were the fastest … Read More

Bicton International Horse Trials supported by Chedington

Chedington at Bicton

We have been very pleased to be able to support the Bicton Arena International Horse Trials event which took place over the past weekend 10th – 13th June. We knew that the team at Bicton would do a brilliant job hosting this prestigious event, and we thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it. This fixture included three classes including CCI4*-L, … Read More

News from Chedington: March 2021

Sheep grazing on The Chedington Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this month. The Estate The main Farmhouse at North Buckham Farm is currently being completely refurbished and is due to be completed by end of May. The accommodation will be used for guests of the equestrian yard, overflow wedding accommodation, Superior Motorcycle Experiences participants, as well as … Read More

News from Chedington: January 2021

Lamb on The Chedington Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this month. The Estate We will soon start lambing the larger flock of sheep. The sheep had their scans to determine how many lambs we can expect, and the results include 230 singles, 168 twins and 6 triplets, so all being well we should … Read More

News from Chedington: December 2020

Tree planting on the Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this month. The Estate We have planted close to 20,000 trees and hedge plants across the estate which is a great, and we are well on our way to planting the target of 40,000 trees that we were set for this project. Our head … Read More

News from Chedington: November 2020

Tree planting on the Estate

A round-up of news and updates from the projects and businesses across The Chedington Court Estate this month. The Estate This month we have been busy working on an extensive carbon footprint tree planting project. Over the last two weeks 12,000 trees of various species have been planted at the base of Chedington Court. This will be continued in the … Read More