Our vision for a contemporary Estate


Promoting rural enterprise rooted in Upland Dorset.

The Guy family, at the heart of the Chedington Estate, are enthusiastic about promoting rural enterprise rooted in upland Dorset. Having established home in this beautiful part of the world, they have created a vision of a thriving contemporary estate. Compromising of several lifestyle businesses, the estate now provides, and will continue to develop opportunities for both employment for local people as well as sustainability and restoration projects for the land.

There are three main pillars to the vision:

Challenge perceptions of rural business
Once reliant heavily of farming and agriculture, Chedington Estate is modernising enterprise in the area with high end business, technology and innovation.

Integrate leading business with environmental accountability
The aim is to nourish and sustain the land and it’s communities long into the future. With a committed environmental focus, business is integrated with projects such as restoration of traditional buildings, tree planting programmes and overseas sustainability projects.

Becoming a carbon neutral estate
With a keen awareness of the changing global climate, Chedington Estate pledges to use technology and specialised knowledge to track and offset carbon expenditure. This is primarily achieved with an extensive tree planting programme. Rather than keep it as something done ‘behind the scenes’, the project has been woven into some of the lifestyle opportunities available to guests of the estate, bringing it even more to the fore of people’s awareness.

The Guy Foundation.

Guy charitable foundation was established in 2018 to facilitate exploration into quantum biology and the role it could play in advancing medicine. Geoffrey & Kate Guy have a lifelong commitment to improving health, and hope to support the translation of deeper understanding into advancing medical practice.

The Guy Foundation embraces explorative theories and research into quantum mechanics and bioenergetics and their role in disease.

The Guy family are also keenly interested in the interplay between neuroscience and sport.  The Foundation provides funding support for elite competitors in sports that are strongly influenced by neuropsychology, such as shooting and fencing.

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Prof Geoffrey Guy, Chedington.


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